Our Pick of the Best Activity Trackers

In a round-up of the Best Activity Trackers for the ‘Stylish Mum’, the Myzone MZ-3 is included as “the ultimate heart rate and effort tracker, giving you a 99.4% accuracy rating”. It concludes by saying that it “is great for those that are really passionate about working out”.

This Season’s ‘Go To’ Gadgets

In H&N Magazine’s round-up of this seasons ‘go to’ gadgets, the newly launched MZ-20 scales are featured as “a great piece of kit for anyone who is trying to keep abreast of their overall health through charting weight or muscle mass”.

Cool Kit

The MZ-3 feature in The Observer is syndicated on The Guardian online. The MZ-3 activity belt is deemed the ‘Cool Kit’ piece of the week, and the perfect way to get to “know your limits” when exercising. With “accurate, real time feedback”, there are “no excuses” to avoid hitting the gym this January.

The mechanim of testing Corona Virus in USA.

Physical activity continues to be a major health concern and has been described as pandeminc. For this reason, the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, the National Physical Activity Society…

At Home Physical Activity Resources

Regular physical activity is essential to health and wellbeing and the benefits do not stop because we are at home physical distancing. Check out this comprehensive list of resources for ways for people of all ages and abilities to be active at home.

Connection of Physical Activites with Lifestyle

See popular webinars related to the PAA from one of our founding partners, the (former) National Physical Activity Society, via GoToStage.

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