Education Strategy


Strategy 1
States and school districts should adopt policies that support implementation of the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program model. (ED-1)


Support schools in adopting and implementing the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program model. (ED-1.1)


  • By 2020, the percentage of states that have policies supporting the implementation of CSPAP will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of school districts in each state that will implement at least two CSPAP components beyond physical education programming in their local wellness policy will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of secondary schools in each state that will have a written plan for implementing a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program will increase by 5%.

Provide professional development on the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program model at the state, district, and school levels. (ED-1.2)


  • By 2020, the percentage of states that will establish a training cadre (or something similar) that supports the implementation of CSPAP will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of school districts providing meaningful, relevant professional development related to the process and components of implementing a CSPAP will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools with at least one physical education teacher or specialist receiving professional development on CSPAP will increase by 5%.

Disseminate best practices that exemplify effective adoption of the Comprehensive School Physical Activity model. (ED-1.3)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of schools that do NOT have students sitting for more than 60 consecutive minutes at any time during the school day will increase by 5%.

Support adoption of school design strategies to support active transport and increased student physical activity throughout the school day. (ED-1.4)


  • By 2020, the percentage of school districts that provide support for active transportation to schools will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools providing at least 20 minutes of daily recess to elementary students will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools having students participate in classroom physical activity breaks and/or outdoor physical activity breaks during the school day will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools providing organized physical activity opportunities or access to facilities or equipment for physical activity before the school day will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools offering intramural sports programs or physical activity clubs will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools offering interscholastic sports will increase by 5%.

Encourage schools to adopt shared use agreements that enhance student access to school and community-based physical activity facilities. (ED-1.5)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of schools will have a joint use agreement for shared use of school or community physical activity facilities will increase by 5%.

Strategy 2
Schools should provide high-quality physical education programs. (ED-2)


Assure schools comply with the ‘Every Student Success Act’ (ESSA) that requires physical education to be delivered as part of a “well-rounded” education. (ED-2.1)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of schools requiring that a physical education course be taught in each grade level will increase by 5% .

Provide daily physical education for students in grades K-12, with instructional periods totaling at least 150 minutes per week in elementary schools and 225 minutes per week in middle and high schools. (ED-2.2)


  • By 2020, the percentage of schools requiring physical education for at least 150 minutes/week in elementary and 225 minutes/week in middle and high school in specific grade levels will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of states requiring specific minutes in physical education per grade level through State Statutes will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of Local Educational Agencies requiring 150 minutes/week in elementary and 225 minutes/week in middle and high school in each grade level will increase by 5%.

Ensure that students are engaged in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 50% of physical education class time. (ED-2.3)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of schools in which teachers engage students in physical activity during at least 50% of physical education class time will increase by 5%.

Provide students with the opportunity to engage in the types of physical activity recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. (ED-2.4)

Ensure that physical education class sizes and teacher/student ratios are comparable to those for other subject areas. (ED-2.5)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of schools having a policy that states the maximum student-to-teacher ratio allowed for required physical education will increase by 5%.

Adopt policies that preclude withholding or using physical activity as punishment. (ED-2.6)


  • By 2020, the percentage of schools prohibiting or actively discouraging staff from using physical activity (e.g., laps or push-ups) as punishment for inappropriate behavior will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools prohibiting or actively discouraging staff from withholding physical education and other activity programs to punish students for inappropriate behavior will increase by 5%.

Eliminate waivers and substitutions for physical education. (ED-2.7)


  • By 2020, the percentage of states with state level policies that prohibit the use of substitutions or waivers (e.g., ROTC, marching band, athletics) for satisfying physical education requirements for students will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percentage of schools prohibiting exemptions from physical education requirements for one grading period or longer will increase by 5%.

Adopt physical education curricula for grades K-12 that meet national and/or state standards and that specify grade level student outcomes. (ED-2.8)


  • By 2020,the percentage of schools that follow any national, state, or district physical education standards will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the number of states with policies that require a program evaluation to determine the number of schools that have implemented physical education curricula that meet national or state standards will increase by 5%.

Employ instructional practices that are consistent with the school’s physical education curriculum. (ED-2.9)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of schools providing physical education teachers with (a) goals, objectives, and expected outcomes for physical education, (b) a chart describing the annual scope and sequence of instruction for physical education, and (c) a written physical education curriculum will increase by 5%.

Employ student assessment procedures that are consistent with national and/or state standards. (ED-2.10)


  • By 2020, the percent of schools providing physical education teachers with training for how to assess student performance in physical education will increase by 5%.
  • By 2020, the percent of schools providing physical education teachers with resources for fitness testing will increase by 5%.

Implement adaptations required to ensure that students with special needs are provided with quality physical education. (ED-2.11)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of districts providing funding for or offering professional development to those who teach physical education to students with long-term physical, medical, visual, hearing impaired, or cognitive disabilities will increase by 5%.

Strategy 3
Providers of afterschool, holiday, and vacation programs for children and youth should adopt policies and practices that ensure that participants are appropriately physically active. (ED-3)


Adopt standards ensuring that children in afterschool, holiday, and vacation programs engage in physical activity for 60 minutes per full-day of participation or 30 minutes per half-day. (ED-3.1)

Objective: By 2020, national afterschool organizations will partner with physical activity coalitions to develop and implement out of school program standards to ensure that youth in afterschool, holiday, and vacation programs participate in 60 minutes of physical activity for full day programs and 30 minutes of physical activity for half day programs.

Ensure that children attending afterschool, holiday, and vacation programs engage in the types of physical activity recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. (ED-3.2)

Objective: By 2020, the percentage of out of school programs implementing developmentally appropriate physical activities as recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans will increase by 5%.

Require that children’s physical activities be supervised by adults who have special education and/or training in physical activity programming. (ED-3.3)

Objective: By 2020, all adults supervising children’s physical activity programs will have special education/training/certification in age appropriate physical activity programming.

Adopt standards requiring that afterschool, holiday, and vacation programs provide and maintain facilities and equipment that support children’s safe, age-appropriate physical activity. (ED-3.4)

Objective: By 2020, national afterschool organizations will partner with physical activity coalitions to develop and adopt standards that require out of school programs to use age-appropriate equipment and maintain facilities to ensure a safe play/learning environment.

Ensure that afterschool, holiday, and vacation programs are free of screen time (TV, video, video games, computers) for non-education purposes. (ED-3.5)

Objective: By 2020,national afterschool organizations will partner with physical activity coalitions to develop standards that limit out-of-school screen time to no more than one hour per day for a full program and for educational purposes only.

Implement adaptations to ensure that children with special needs are provided with developmentally appropriate physical activity opportunities during afterschool, holiday, and vacation programs. (ED-3.6)

Objective: By 2020,national afterschool organizations will partner with physical activity coalitions to develop standards that ensure that children with special needs are provided with developmentally appropriate physical activities during out of school programming.

Strategy 4
States should adopt standards for childcare and early childhood education programs to ensure that children ages zero to five years are appropriately physically active. (ED-4)


Encourage early childhood education programs to adopt standards that ensure young children are appropriately physically active when in early care and education settings. (ED-4.1)


  • By 2020, national childcare organizations and physical activity coalitions will convene a national panel of experts and state/national agencies to develop model physical activity quality standards for early care and education settings.
  • By 2022, national childcare organizations and physical activity coalitions will work with national/state/local agencies to develop and disseminate child care standards for physical activity experiences in childcare programs, including centers, Head Start, school-based programs, family homes, and Kindergarten classes/programs.
  • By 2025, at least half of US states (25) will identify explicit standards (i.e., amount of time) for the amount of physical activity children should receive while in early care and education programs.

Provide professional development at the state, district/organization, and center/school levels to ensure effective implementation of physical activity standards. (ED-4.2)


  • By 2025, a majority of states will provide access to at least one professional development opportunity (e.g., on-line training) to guide and educate early care and education providers (centers and home) on how to support children’s physical activity while in early care and education programs.
  • By 2025, a majority of states will provide access to professional development opportunities (e.g., on-line training) to help early care and education programs develop appropriate organizational policies and practices that will enable children to receive sufficient physical activity on a daily basis.
  • By 2025, at least 25% of states will integrate content for promoting physical activity in early care and education programs into the training of early education specialists at the community college and university level.

Compile and disseminate best practices that exemplify effective implementation of physical activity standards in early care and education programs. (ED-4.3)

Objective: a majority of states will provide access to documents that present examples of comprehensive, evidence-based practices associated with creating high quality environments (policies, practices, and built environments) that support physical activity at early care and education programs

Develop outdoor education models that integrate physical activity, natural settings, and learning for application in early care and education programs. (ED-4.4)


  • By 2020, a majority of US states will include explicit standards requiring children to have daily outdoor time while in early care and education programs (centers and homes).
  • By 2020, national childcare organizations will partner with physical activity coalitions and community recreation and outdoor learning experts to establish design principles that support age- and developmentally-appropriate active and educational play in early care and education programs%.

Strategy 5
Colleges and universities should provide students and employees with opportunities and incentives to adopt and maintain physically active lifestyles. (ED-5)


Provide physical activity opportunities through courses that contribute to graduation requirements for undergraduate students. (ED-5.1)

Offer a broad spectrum of health-enhancing physical activity courses that are available on both academic credit and non-credit bases. (ED-5.2)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of colleges and universities will offer students and employees a broad variety of in-class and online physical activity opportunities on both a credit and non-credit basis.

Establish and maintain campus recreational resources, including facilities and programs, that provide and promote physical activity for all students and employees. (ED-5.3)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of colleges and universities will have campus recreation centers, virtual activity centers, and/or programs that offer no cost and limited cost physical activity opportunities for all students and employees.

Include a focus on enhancing student and employee physical activity in campus long-term strategic plans. (ED-5.4)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of campus recreation or sports organizations will provide administrators at colleges and universities with materials documenting the benefits of physical activity and how physical activity can be integrated into long-term campus strategic plans.

Design walkable campuses that promote safe and accessible active transportation options for students. (ED-5.5)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of colleges and universities will implement plans for enhancing active transportation on campus and in the local community.

Coordinate with human resources officers in managing and incentivizing physical activity programs for employees. (ED-5.6)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of campus recreation or sports organizations will provide human resource officers with materials that can be used for developing programs at colleges and universities that incentivize physical activity.

Strategy 6
Educational institutions should provide pre-service professional training and in-service professional development programs that prepare educators to deliver effective physical activity programs for students of all types. (ED-6)


Prepare physical education teachers to assume the role of school physical activity director, coordinating programs that are consistent with the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program model. (ED-6.1)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of college and university teacher certification programs in physical education will include coursework addressing the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program model and provide knowledge and experiences that develop competency to be a school physical activity leader and advocate.

Include a focus on population-based promotion of physical activity in educational programs for a broad range of physical activity professionals. (ED-6.2)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of college and university teacher certification programs will include at least one course for elementary classroom teachers that emphasizes the promotion and delivery of health-promoting physical activity in physical education and beyond.

Prepare professionals who will deliver physical activity programs for persons of all ages to implement programs that provide significant doses of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and that promote adoption and maintenance of a physically active lifestyle. (ED-6.3)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of individuals seeking teacher certification in physical education will demonstrate effective use of physical activity tracking tools aimed at keeping students of all ages engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity for the majority of a class period.

Prepare educators and other professionals who will serve as coaches of school- and community-based sports teams to deliver programs that provide students with safe, enjoyable, health-promoting sport experiences. (ED-6.4)


  • By 2020, colleges and universities offering a teacher certification program in physical education will provide a course on the safe and effective physical activity/sport coaching that is available to the entire campus community.
  • By 2020, colleges and universities offering education leadership certification programs will include coursework that targets the promotion of physical activity for children and youth.

Strategy 7
Professional and scientific organizations should develop and advocate for policies that promote physical activity among all students. (ED-7)


Advocate for the enactment of federal and state policies that establish physical education as a component of a “well-rounded education”. (ED-7.1)

Objective: By 2020, a professional organization will create evidence-based “fast facts” documents for professional and public use in advocating to establish physical education as a component of a well-rounded education.

Establish, in each state, a process for holding school districts accountable for delivery of physical education programs that comply with state standards. (ED-7.2)

Objective: By 2020, a majority of state agencies will review school districts compliance with physical education policies and make recommendations to school districts not in compliance.

Encourage policy makers to establish state-level policies that require elementary schools to provide daily recess to all students. (ED-7.3)

Objective: By 2020, a professional organization in the education sector will create evidence-based “fast facts” documents for public use in advocating for policy makers to establish policies requiring elementary schools to provide daily recess for all students.

Support adoption of policies requiring that students at all levels be given physical activity breaks during the school day. (ED-7.4)

Objective: By 2020, school districts requiring physical activity breaks will increase to 35%; and school districts recommending physical activity breaks will increase to 50%.

Educate administrators and other key stakeholders about the beneficial effects of physical activity on learning and lifelong health. (ED-7.5)


  • By 2020, a national physical activity coalition will disseminate existing neuroscience evidence of the cognitive and mental health benefits of physical activity to 75% of key stakeholders.
  • By 2020, a national physical activity coalition will disseminate language- appropriate materials to school administrators and physical activity advocates outlining the relationship between physical activity and academic success.

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